A letter to me on my 28th Birthday


Recently, you celebrated your 28th birthday at an Anganwadi Center with your colleagues. You are very grateful to them for surprising you with a beautiful cake. They also celebrated your birthday last year. You will always be thankful to your loving colleagues, even when you eventually leave the institution.

Life moves pretty fast!

You still remember your college days and the journey from Guwahati to Sivasagar to start your current job. It’s been four years since you left Guwahati, but it feels like you were there just yesterday.

Your Top Birthday Wishlist for This Year

Starting Your Clinic:

You hope to start your own clinic by the end of this year. Recently, your desire to open one has intensified, as you had been delaying it and not prioritizing it as much before.

Regular Physical Exercise and Diet:

Exercise is essential for staying fit and maintaining mental well-being. Whether it’s running in the morning or working out at home, regular physical activity is crucial. You’ve personally experienced its benefits and can attest to its importance.

You’re also focusing on your diet to boost your productivity. You avoid heavy meals at night and prefer taking smaller, more frequent food breaks instead of eating large meals all at once. When your gut is healthy, you feel better, and your productivity increases.

Focusing on Your Future Goals:

You want to settle down now and avoid pursuits that aren’t worth your time, such as transferable jobs or working far from your family.

In the coming days, your focus will be on exploring multiple and diverse ways of making money.

You learned a new life lesson from a colleague: “Life is full of happiness for idiots and misery for smart people.” After reflecting deeply on this quote, you realized it might be true. Smart people often have a more miserable life. So, you’ll try to implement this in your life by doing your best without making yourself overly anxious.

You have come a long way and should be proud of your achievements. Keep pushing forward and stay focused on your goals.


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